Thursday, November 17, 2011


Since 11.11.11, I have been extremely more aware of the moon and the trees.  I didn’t think it was possible for me to be more connected than I already was.  I was quite mistaken.  The shift that has happened is very defined. 

I became attached to the moon and trees at a very young age.  I didn’t understand them.  I just knew that I loved being in and near them.    I felt safe when I was sitting at the base of a tree.  I felt often sad when I was staring at the moon.   I couldn’t define any of these emotions.  

In my early thirties I came across an exercise to help understand how the moon affects us.  In short, take a lunar calendar, and each day, write your most prevalent emotion for the day.  Do this for 60 days.  Try not to look back to prior weeks or days.   Just write the emotion and move on.   After the end of the 60 days, you might see a pattern emerge where certain emotions were consistently on particular moon phases.  

When I did mind, I found that I was often introspective, brooding, most sad, wrote poetry more on the times when the moon was waning.    I found that on the waxing moon, I tended to be more technically focused, driven and inspired.   It has been consistent through the years.

It has flipped.

As 11.11.11 swept through, the moon was Full, shining brilliantly.  She was amazing.   As she has waned to the New Moon, my focus is incredibly sharp.    I have completed tasks, not been too easily distracted, new ideas have flown in and business opportunities emerged.  

I feel confirmed that those of us who have suffered through this lifetime have just felt a reverse of this energy.   Wonderful times are here… not COMING.  No, they are already here.   Go from wishing for, to confirming and thanking for their arrival. 

Love is my religion.

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