Monday, May 2, 2011

Feral Angel

I have become
a feral child
Wrapping up
With stuffed animals
Squeezed in my arms
To sleep I am
For the first time
Meeting a little girl
Who used to
Be me

I am
An infant
Learning to crawl
I poke my head
Through curtains
Glimpsing the world
From behind a smile
A solitary star child
Longing to drink
pulled by the arms
of everyone who
wants a piece
Of me

A wayward lamb
I struggle to my knees
Push to my feet
Search for my mother
But she has
Abandoned me;
Alone in the pasture
I am vulnerable
To the wolves.

I make a beeline
Run for the forest
scrambling into leaves
where the stretched
out arms
can't reach me
I crunch through rubble
evading the stares
find a cave
it's safer there.

I sleep till morning
till the sun
kisses my face
till I feel comfortable
leaving this place
crawl to the seaside
where the waves
hide my teardrops
the ones that
won't stop
not matter how
I clench my teeth
they continue
to seep like
waterfalls taking
my sadness to the deep.

Evade the captors
I leap upwards
into the rafters
where the shadows
wrap me soft;
I am meeting
the face of loss
accepting the hollow
where once my
shell belonged;
the one that now
searches for home.

I am the voice
of my father,
he who lost so much,
the goodnight kisses,
the tender touch,
the moments to say
well done;
I stand, a solitary
angel on a cliff
where my hair is
lifted by the wind;
and I howl for
what never was.

I am a
child of the moon;
where the ghosts
read runes and
they tell me
be still, child,
home will
find you soon.


copyright @ dbv publishing 2011

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